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    I am an average girl doing average things... with ringing in my ears! Tinnitus sucks balls. Let's all say it!

    Balloons, profile.jpg

    Right, let's get the boring stuff out of the way first. I am Jess, I am 31 years old, I do not have a steady job, or my own home, or a boyfriend. Great start to adulthood, I know! However, I do travel now and again (when I have funds), dabble in art when the mood takes me and like to get drunk with my friends. Nice to meet you!


    So what the heck am I going to write about? At this point, I wish the title didn't give it away.... but here goes, Tinnitus! Wow! Woah! Hurrah! Amazing! Just what everyone wanted. How did I know...


    One day I just woke up and both my ears were ringing. You know that same sound after a big night out watching a live band? 

    Yeah, that kind of ringing. Only thing is, I hadn't been out to watch a band, and I certainly didn't have a hangover to prove I'd had a good night out! After two weeks of this, I go to the doctor who sends me to an audiology clinic. Turns out I have hearing loss and on top of that, Tinnitus. Shit! Next thing I know, I'm getting hearing aids fitted and a year supply of batteries in my lap. I'm 29 years old and I'm wearing hearing aids without promise the ringing will ever stop... 


    Just over two years down the line, I still have tinnitus. And I want to talk about it, all the time. I don't know why, I just really, really want to talk about it. So here I am. I'm blogging about ringing in my ears. The practical struggles, the hilariously misheard conversations, some coping strategies I use and the all dreaded emotional issues that unfortunately come with it! Can't wait. 


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